Todo en camino para abrir en 15 de Febrero 2019!!!! Reserva ya en Holiday Inn Express San Isidro
J Melhado
"La primera obligación de todo ser humano es ser feliz, la segunda es hacer feliz a los demás" Cantinflas
sábado, 8 de septiembre de 2018
Tres Pasos para crear Magia
Un líder debe
seguir estos tres pasos para crear magia en el trabajo:
- Establecer Expectativas
- Hacer cumplir las expectativas
- Capacitar a su personal para cumplir con las expectativas
Si el personal no está
preparado es la responsabilidad del líder
viernes, 25 de marzo de 2016
jueves, 24 de marzo de 2016
Does Your Business Model Look to the Future or Just Defend the Present?
Established industries aren’t ripped apart overnight. That takes time, though when momentum builds, change happens fast. How can incumbents manage through the monumental changes currently under way? One answer is to take a cue from pivotal technology companies leading the change
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jueves, 18 de febrero de 2016
10 Habits of a Successful Hotel General Manager
While some qualities of a successful hotel GM may seem innate, such as: composure, patience, being a "people person," and leadership (to name a few); most hoteliers will tell you that a lot of blood, sweat and tears is involved to get to the top of the ladder. So which best practices ultimately earn them the revered title? We have lined up ten habits of a successful hotel General Manager:
1. Make decisions quickly
Successful leaders are expert decision makers. A General Manager's day is filled around the clock with meetings and exchanges with staff, guests, vendors, suppliers and new recruits, etc. The goal of each meeting and encounter is to make decisions. Successful hoteliers either empower their employees to reach a desirable outcome or they do it themselves. They focus on “making things happen” at all times – encouraging progress and keeping their hotel above par.
2. Get out of the office
Years of hands-on experience in the trenches have finally led to a nice, large office, but don't get too comfortable. With so many meeting, emails, and administrative tasks to attend to, it's easy to get trapped. Spend too much time in the office and you may lose track of what is happening in the "front of house." So make it a practice to spend a little time each day walking around the hotel, helping the front desk, directing and motivating employees, inspecting rooms, interacting with a guest or two. This will help you understand your employees, guests and hotel better and also leads us into our next point:
3. Lead by example
People truly follow only those they trust. If you want to gain the trust and confidence of your employees (and believe us, that's something you definitely want to do), you must set an example for them. This may sound easy, but few leaders are consistent with this one. Successful leaders practice what they preach and are attentive of their actions.
4. Surround yourself with the right people
This is easier said than done as high employee turnover continue to plague the hospitality industry - wreaking havoc on productivity, morale and the hotel's bottom line. Reports show that 54% of organizations see greater new hire productivity and 50% higher retention rates for new hires when they have a well-planned onboarding process in place. You already know that first impressions are so important when it comes to hotel guests, well the same goes for new recruits: Give them an exceptional first experience; so you can both know you made the right choice. Claim your free copy of our Ebook: Five Steps to a Successful Onboarding Process.
5. Motivate your employees
The ball is in your court. According to a recent study by Dale Carnegie Training, less than 20% of non-management employees are fully engaged (aka, fully motivated and productive) and the single most important factor influencing engagement is an employee’s relationship with his or her direct manager. For ten easy ways to motivate your hotel staff, download a copy of our infographic: 10 Ways to Help Your Team Perform Better.
6. Delegate
Don't try to do everything yourself and don't micromanage! Communicate the hotel's mission, vision, values, and goals, etc., then step back and let your staff take it from there. Setting this example will encourage your department heads and managers to do the same.
7. Measure and reward performance
Studies show that a lack of praise and recognition is a top reason that employees are unhappy at their jobs. Successful managers (hotel GMs included) are active in recognizing and acknowledging hard work and are mindful of rewarding top performers. These employees and their efforts should not be taken for granted - they are the ones who will help you achieve your company goals and, potentially, motivate others to become more engaged. They are also the examples other employees look to when trying to improve themselves professionally.
8. Implement the right technologies
Technology is the key to running a hotel in this modern day and age, from managing a guest's experience, to property management, to employee training. While rolling out new technologies can be daunting, the benefits are worthwhile and often necessary to remain competitive. Also read: Is Your PMS Actually Harming Your Hotel's Profitability?
9. Take Responsibility
Great leaders know when to accept that mistakes have been made and take it upon themselves to fix them. It doesn’t help to point a finger or place blame, if you are the leader, you need to take responsibility, attend to the matter, learn from the situation and then move on.
10. Love your job
Successful hoteliers love being leaders, after all, making a difference in other people's lives is why you chose the hospitality industry in the first place. Being a successful hotel General Manger is all about your ability to serve others and this can’t be accomplished unless you genuinely enjoy what you do.
domingo, 24 de enero de 2016
10 Behaviors of Genuine People
They don’t seek attention. They don’t need constant reinforcement of their own ego. Where attention seekers have a hole that constantly needs to be filled, genuine people are already filled with self-confidence and self-awareness.
They’re not concerned with being liked. The need to be liked is born of insecurity and narcissism. It creates a need to manipulate your own and other’s emotions. Confident and authentic people are simply themselves. If you like them, fine. If not, that’s fine, too.
They can tell when others are full of it. Perhaps naïve folks can be easily fooled, but genuine people are not naïve. They’re grounded in reality and that gives them a baseline from which they can tell when things don’t add up. There’s a big difference.
They are comfortable in their own skin. In his late 70s, actor Leonard Nimoy said he was closer than ever to being as comfortable with himself as Spock appeared to be. Most of us struggle with that. As Henry David Thoreau observed, “The mass of men lead lives of quiet desperation.”
They do what they say and say what they mean. They don’t tend to overreach or exaggerate. They meet their commitments. And they don’t parse their words or sugarcoat the truth. If you need to hear it, they’ll tell you … even if it’s tough for them to say and for you to hear.
They don’t need a lot of stuff. When you’re comfortable with whom you are, you don’t need a lot of external stuff to be happy. You know where to find happiness – inside yourself, your loved ones, and your work. You find happiness in the simple things.
They’re not thin-skinned. They don’t take themselves too seriously so they don’t take offense when none is intended.
They’re not overly modest or boastful. Since they’re confident of their strengths, they don’t need to brag about them. Likewise, they don’t exhibit false modesty. Humility is a positive trait but it’s even better to just be straightforward.
They’re consistent. You might describe genuine people as being weighty, solid, or substantial. Since they know themselves well and are in touch with their genuine emotions, they’re more or less predictable ... in a good way.
They practice what they preach. They’re not likely to advise people to do something they wouldn’t do themselves. After all, genuine people know they’re no better than anyone else so it’s not in their nature to be self-righteous.
All those seemingly different behaviors have the same thing at their core: self-awareness that’s consistent with reality. Genuine people see themselves as others would if they were objective observers. There’s not a lot of processing, manipulating, or controlling going on between what’s in their head and what people see and hear.
Once you get to know them, genuine people turn out to be more or less consistent with the way they initially hold themselves out to be. What you see is what you get. It's sad that, in today's world, such a positive quality is at risk of becoming endangered. Not only is it harder to find in others, it's becoming harder to be genuine ourselves.
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Y asi va Holiday Inn Express Lima
Todo en camino para abrir en 15 de Febrero 2019!!!! Reserva ya en Holiday Inn Express San Isidro
Un líder debe seguir estos tres pasos para crear magia en el trabajo: Establecer Expectativas Hacer cumplir las expectativas Capacit...
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